In 2023, members acted in a number of highly publicised and ground-breaking cases including in the UK Supreme Court. This includes Ukraine’s successful defence in the Eurobond claim brought by Russia; the Philipp v Barclays decision regarding the so-called ‘Quincecare duty’; and the landmark ruling on the enforceability of litigation funding agreements.
In addition, we were delighted to once again receive some excellent awards and directory rankings, and for our members to attract some prestigious appointments.
In October, we welcomed our new Head of Chambers, Richard Handyside KC, following the successful five-year term of Bankim Thanki KC, and were pleased to see five new tenants join us following completion of their pupillages, as well as to welcome John Mehrzad KC to Chambers. We were also saddened by the loss of our former member and friend, Sir Nicholas Stadlen.
This review looks at the commentary and thought leadership we produced in 2023, together with some of our news stories and significant cases.
We wish our clients a very happy and healthy festive period and all the best for the New Year. We look forward to working together once again in 2024.
Click here for our full Review.