In Ridgewood Properties Group Limited v Kilpatrick Stockton LLP [2014] EWHC 2502 (Ch), Arnold J struck out a claim for professional negligence against two firms of solicitors and a barrister, on the grounds that it was an abuse of process. Patricia Robertson QC and Christopher Knowles (instructed by Charles Pugh of Bristows LLP) acted on behalf of the first defendant in its successful strike-out application.
After the judge circulated his draft judgment, the Claimants discontinued their claim in its entirety, and were ordered to pay a substantial amount on account of the Defendants’ costs.
The judgment provides guidance on the application of the principles governing damages for loss of a chance, the effect of post-breach events on claims for damages in respect of such loss, and abuse of process in solicitors’ negligence cases. It also sets out the proper approach to determining whether a claim amounts to a collateral attack on a previous decision. A copy of the judgment can be found here.