Timothy Dutton CBE KC retired on 31 January 2025 after 45 years’ distinguished practice at the Bar. His professional achievements are many. They include leader of the South Eastern Circuit, Chairman of the Bar, Head of Chambers, Chambers and Partners lifetime achievement award, and the one of which he was perhaps most proud, founder of the South Eastern Circuit’s Advanced International Advocacy Course held each year in Oxford which has taught the fundamentals of advocacy and ethics to thousands of practising lawyers. His CBE was fitting recognition of his contribution to the profession and the law. Since being diagnosed with motor neurone disease in 2014, Tim continued to practise at the highest level for ten years, right up until his retirement, in defiance of the predictions of even the most optimistic medics.

We thank Tim for all that he has done for Chambers, its members and staff over so many years. Tim’s retirement is a huge loss to Chambers and he will be greatly missed.